
Our certificate generator is already used by numerous companies from various sectors. These include companies and organizations from industry, healthcare, education, the energy sector, finance and software.

Deutsches Rotes Kreuz logoDeutsches Rotes Kreuz logo
Referenzen Headerbild

Auszug unserer Referenzkunden...

Extract of our customers from the healthcare sector

The healthcare sector is an important part of our society. Our customers in this sector benefit from fast and efficient certificate creation so that the focus can be placed back on patient care.

There are specific customization options and placeholders for our hospitals, clinics, medical practices, etc.

Deutsches Rotes Kreuz logoKnappschaftkliniken logoDoctari logoShop Apotheke logoMedizinischer Dienst Niedersachsen logoJameda logo
Prada logoHornbach logoWilly Bogner logoKoro logoLindt logoParadies logogeobra Brandstätter Stiftung logo

...from the consumer sector

Our customers from the end consumer sector benefit from fast and efficient certificate creation, allowing them to focus on their core business again.

Whether from the textile, food, toy or retail industry, the verlingo reference generator digitizes the entire HR process for creating employment references.

...from the energy sector

Our customers from the energy sector benefit from fast and efficient certificate creation, allowing them to focus on their core business again.

Shell Energy logoOctopus Energy logoOctopus Energy logoOctopus Energy logo
Check24 logodvelop logoSoftware AG logoSophos logoShopware logosoftwareone logo

...from the software & internet sector

Our customers from the software and Internet sectors benefit from a fast and digital solution for the efficient creation of employment references.

...from the education sector

Our customers from the education sector benefit from fast and efficient certificate creation across all departments, institutes and facilities.

There are specific customization options and placeholders for our college, universities, schools, etc.

Hochschule Bremerhaven logoDeutsche Schule Lissabon logoHochschule Reutlingen logoTertia logoForschungszentrum Borstel logoHochschule Karlsruhe logoHochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten logo
alliance automotive group logoNexen Tire logoVoit Automotive logoIFA Group logoMagna logoLindner logosonotronic logoFassmer logoSchott logo

...from the industrial, automotive and mechanical engineering sectors

Our customers from industry, including the automotive and mechanical engineering sectors, benefit from a fast and efficient way of creating legally compliant employment references. Job profiles can be easily stored and used.

...from the public & social sector

Our customers from public and non-profit organizations benefit from a digitalization boost and a simple and legally compliant form for creating certificates.

There are specific adaptation options and placeholders for our cities, municipalities, foundations, daycare centres and organizations.

Caritas logoMission Leben logoServus Kids logoForst Badenwürtemberg logoForst Badenwürtemberg logo
Sparkasse logoTaxdoo logoStoneX logoGlobal Finanz logo

...from the financial sector

Our customers from the financial sector benefit from fast and efficient certificate creation, allowing them to focus on their core business again.

...from all possible sectors and areas

Thanks to flexible processes and individual setting options, the verlingo certificate generator is ideal for all companies and organizations.

Thanks to flexible processes and individual setting options, the verlingo certificate generator is ideal for all companies and organizations.

Wagner logozenjoblogoUnibail-Rodamco-Westfield logoAlfred Talke logoEG Group Deutschland logo



“Intuitives Tool für die Optimierung des Zeugnisprozesses”

Caro P.

Fa. Lindt & Sprüngli

“Sehr schnell und effizient Zeugnisse zu schreiben.”

Vivian F.

HR Specialist
EG Deutschland GmbH

“Gut zugänglicher Zeugnisgenerator mit sehr gutem Support.”

Johann M.

HR Advisor

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You want to test our products without obligation or learn more about us? Then please feel free to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.

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